Full of enthusiasm and inspiration having spent a lot of last week watching the various programmes as part of
Channel 4's Big Fish Fight campaign, yesterday night we attempted to cook mussels for the first time and they were fabulous!

I'd been a bit wary about cooking mussels as it seemed there was a lot of preparation needed but the time you spend doing the prep is more than made up by the fact that once you've got them ready to go they literally take about 30 seconds in the pan to cook and hey presto! We decided to go plain and simple with moules mariniere and used the good old
Jane Grigson Fish Book for our recipe. The sauce in her recipe is just made up of shallots, garlic, butter and white wine flavoured with a bouquet garnis which suits me as I'm not a massive fan of creamy sauces and it was divine all mopped up with a good chunk of warm ciabatta. So... in the words of Jamie, Hugh et al - get yourselves down the fish counter and give the old favourites (cod, tuna, salmon, prawns) a break and try something else for a change.
