Friday, 30 April 2010
Oregano runners?
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
One Pot Pledge

Monday, 26 April 2010
The trials and errors of a first time gardener...
It wasn't the best weekend in the kitchen either. I attempted to make fudge for the first time and somehow ended up with a very sticky toffee instead which unfortunately couldn't be salvaged and ended up in a ball in the bin. It was supposed to be for a present, I had brought all lovely ribbon and organza to wrap up little parcels of sweets in although luckily I'd had the foresight to plan a few different parcels and the coconut ice and shortbread recipes worked much better so all was not lost!
And as they say - the best lesson is to learn from your mistakes!
Friday, 23 April 2010
I hadn't quite anticipated how many fertilisers there would be. We were confronted with an entire wall of Baby Bio, Seaweed extract, Miracle Grow, Tomatorite coming in boxes, bottles and jars... Not deterred by the huge range on offer and the fact that I hadn't got much of a clue what I needed I read a few of the labels and settled on some Miracle Grow that
On reading the label it suggests that for vegetables it should be applied once every 7-14 days from shortly after germination and so on Wednesday morning I mixed it up in my watering can and gave both the herbs and the vegetables a good water. Early indications show that for the herbs in particular the leaves seemed to get larger before my eyes and when I came home from work the leaves on the oregano and the parsley seemed much larger than they had been just that morning!
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Chilli leaves
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Home fried potatoes for breakfast
Well there's nothing quite like cooking up a leisurely breakfast to celebrate the start of the weekend and this morning was a day for using up some left over potatoes in the bottom of the vegetable bin.

After an early morning run it was back to the flat to potter in the kitchen making up the recipe as I went along (although it rougly follows a lot of fried potato/home fries recipes).
I used all of the potatoes that we had lying around which was a mixture of new and baby new, chopped them up and part-boiled them. Then to start I slowly fried an onion over a low heat and once it was soft added a thinly sliced red pepper and some chopped garlic. Leave that all to cook together on a very low heat for quite a while until everything is soft and super-sweet. Just before adding in the potatoes I stirred through a couple of teaspoons of sweet smoked paprika (the proper Spanish stuff that you can get from Brindisa is what you need!) and a teaspoon of harissa paste. Then I mixed in the potatoes and turned up the heat. Leave it to cook for another half hour or so turning occasionally. Just before you serve it season with salt and pepper and stir through loads of fresh chopped flat leaf parsley and torn basil. Serve in a pile with a fried egg on top.
After an early morning run it was back to the flat to potter in the kitchen making up the recipe as I went along (although it rougly follows a lot of fried potato/home fries recipes).
I used all of the potatoes that we had lying around which was a mixture of new and baby new, chopped them up and part-boiled them. Then to start I slowly fried an onion over a low heat and once it was soft added a thinly sliced red pepper and some chopped garlic. Leave that all to cook together on a very low heat for quite a while until everything is soft and super-sweet. Just before adding in the potatoes I stirred through a couple of teaspoons of sweet smoked paprika (the proper Spanish stuff that you can get from Brindisa is what you need!) and a teaspoon of harissa paste. Then I mixed in the potatoes and turned up the heat. Leave it to cook for another half hour or so turning occasionally. Just before you serve it season with salt and pepper and stir through loads of fresh chopped flat leaf parsley and torn basil. Serve in a pile with a fried egg on top.
Friday, 16 April 2010
To pot or not to pot...
The tomatoes and the nasturtiums have got to the stage now though when I'm wondering how long they can stay in the pots they are in. For space issues inside I'd quite like to be able to go straight from the pots they're in out to the windowboxes but is it still to cold and early for them to brave the outside? For tomatoes I have read everything from early May to late June but have also heard of some people putting their tomatoes outside from mid-April so I'm not sure what to do! Also, before fully transplanting them into outdoor windowboxes do we need to acclimatise them to outside a bit at a time or will they be ok if they go straight out? From a
Outside on the kitchen windowsill the last of our three types of daffodil is looking like it will burst into flower any day. And these ones will have multiple flowers from one stem which I'm looking forward to seeing.
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
A sunny windowsill weekend
Well I've had a few days off the blog but over the weekend we decided to put the five herb pots out on the windowsill for a while whilst it was really sunny to see how they fared. They've been doing ok (and the basil seems to have perked up since I stopped watering it so much - thanks for the tips!) but what seems to have happened is that they've hit a bit of a stage where they don't seem to be getting any bigger particularly quickly so I thought some time out in the sun might do them some good. Unfortunately for the coriander by the time it was brought back in again it seemed to have flopped over completely. I'm not quite sure what to do about it to get the stalks stronger so that they can support the weight of the leaves. In the other pots I keep thinking that some day the skinny little chives are going to be getting a bit thicker but they don't seem to be showing any signs of that yet. The parsley seems
In other exciting news the spinach seeds that I sowed a week ago are starting to pop their heads up which is fantastic.
windowsill herb garden,
windowsill herbs
Friday, 9 April 2010
More flowers
Thursday, 8 April 2010
It has been pointed out to me that the blog has become a bit more of the windowsill and a bit less of the cook.
So pie, peas and potatoes for dinner and two very satisfied customers!
free range chicken,
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Taking stock...
Well I've finally got around to transferring the chillis and the sweet pepper out from the seed tray and into some pots. Hopefully now they've got a bit more space they'll continue to thrive and start getting a bit larger. One of the chillis is looking a little sickly and it's leaves are curled up but it was previously sharing a seed plug with another plant so maybe now it's got a whole pot to itself it will perk up a bit. So in the windowsill garden stock take the grand total of the fruits of our labour in terms of the seed tray that we planted back on 6th March is:
8 tumbling tomato plants (Lycopersicon lycopersicum);
8 serrano chillis;
1 sweet pepper (Capsicum annum);
5 pots of Greek oregano (Origanum vulgare);
5 dwarf sunflowers (Helianthus annus);
10 nasturtiums (Tropaeolum majus).
As only one of the five sweet pepper seeds that we planted germinated I'm quite tempted to have another go at planting some more. Is it advisable to chuck away the seed tray that has just been vacated by all of the other plants or if I give it a good wash would I be ok to repot it with some more sweet pepper seeds?
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
Windowsill on the wild side
A couple of year's ago as a stocking filler at Christmas I got a matchstick garden of wildflower seeds. It's been sitting on my shelf ever since waiting until I had some soil and a watering can and at long last its day has come. I've just planted the matchsticks in amongst the daffodils in a bid to keep the flower windowbox in bloom long after the daffodils have gone. It's a lovely sunny day on the windowsill and I've given them plenty of water so they're off to the best start in amongst the daffodils. Encouraged by the success from the Wahaca chilli matchbox I'm hoping for similar success with the wildflowers. If all goes well we should be getting cornflowers, shasta daisies, corn marigold and field poppies so we'll have a rainbow of colours. I love poppies so really hoping that those seeds germinate!
You might just be able to see in the windowbox that one of our Jack Snipe narcissi looks like it's going to flower any day now too...
Monday, 5 April 2010
Tomato plants and butternut squash scones...
Well we've been away from the flat for a few days over Easter again so the plants have been having to fend for themselves. I was a little worried that when we came back they would have suffered a little from a lack of tlc but they seem to have survived remarkably well and the tomato plants have come on leaps and bounds. Their tomato plant shaped leaves have got so much bigger in just a few days.
We were back in the flat briefly yesterday morning and I got busy in the kitchen for a couple of hours baking bread to go with scrambled eggs and streaky bacon for a quick breakfast and making some parmsean and paprika scones, made with grated butternut squash rather than butter, to take around to a family Easter lunch/dinner yesterday afternoon. Blueberry pancakes are on the menu for a late breakfast this morning and the batter is sitting on the side aerating at the moment...
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